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Col. Montgomery and Col. Wilson at the briefing board

l to r.: Don Rheimer (79th.FS,) Lindol Graham(79th.FS,) George Wemyss (77th.FS,)
Dick Gee (55th.FS,) Jesse Yaryan (79th.FS) - October, 1943

Col. Robert "Gump" Montgomery

Capt. Dick VanSickle and his P-51 "Windsor Wonder". He served in the 77th. with his brother Frank, both of whom completed one combat tour.
Col. Russell takes a picture of three other pilots.
Col. Russell (then Group CO) takes a photo of (l to r) L to R, Col. Montgomery(?), Col. Herb Johnson and Capt. W. J. Hermes(?). The occasion probably was Col Johnson's being made 77th.FS CO, or after his first victory for the 20th.

1st. Lt. John E. "Johnny" Drost, 55th.FS, 20th.FG


Photographs courtesy of Mrs. Bonnie Lechman, Mark Van Sickle, The Drost Family and Maj. Jack M. Ilfrey.

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.