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Yahoo! GeoCities Member Banner Exchange Info 
Col. Robert P. Montgomery
CO 20th.FG
(Total Number of Victories: 3 1/2)

Col. Robert P. "Gump" Montgomery, 20th.FG Commanding Officer 15 Dec. 1944 until the end of hostilities.
He was credited with 3 1/2 air victories and 3 on the ground.
Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross 2 Nov. 1944 for leading group on an escort mission to Merseberg and willfully selecting the more hazardous of two acceptable and honorable courses of action, to wit: Leading the group into a gaggle of 250 Me-109s. A furious battle took place from 27,000ft. to the deck.
This was the 20th.FG's best day - 28 eneny aircraft destroyed, 1 probable, 5 damaged.
Col. Montgomery received the Distinguished Service Cross for leading this mission.


"Nothing is true in tactics" --Commander Randy "Duke" Cunningham, USN

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