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Maj. George S. Wemyss

Maj. George WemyssBorn in Somerville, Mass. on 27 March, 1918, George Scriven Wemyss was the son of Harold E. and Marguerite Wemyss. He graduated from Somerville H.S. in 1935 and soon thereafter began work as an insurance broker while attending Boston University. He graduated with a degree in Business Administration in 1938.

On 28 April, 1941 he enlisted in the USAAC in Boston. He was 23. After training in Tuscaloosa, Ala., Gunter Field, Ala. and at ACAFS in Selma, Ala. he recieved his wings and was commissioned a 2nd. Lt. on Dec. 12, 1941. He was assigned to Panama, where he served for ten months. On 31 August, 1942 he returned home for a short visit.

� � Assigned to the 77th.FS as the squadron Operations Officer on 27 September, 1942,"Rat Top" Wemyss' career with the 20th.FG lasted almost the entire duration of the group's active status. On 10 March, 1943 he was promoted to the rank of Captain and on 20 August, 1943 he shipped out with the 20th.FG for King's Cliffe. While in the ETO he was made Assistant Group Operations Officer, then later Group Operations Officer. On 30 Sept., 1945 he was promoted to Commanding Officer of the 77th.FS/20thFG, a position he held until the 20th.FG was officially disbanded on 11 Oct., 1945. One year later he was promoted to the rank of Lt. Col.

Qualified to fly the P-38, P-51, B-17 and assorted other aircraft, Wemyss flew a total of 39 hours and 10 minutes in combat and survived the crash landing of his Lightning late on the night of D-Day.With darkness and poor visibility he undershot the runway at King's Cliffe and crashed into a nearby field. The plane was demolished but he walked away with only minor injuries.

George and his wife Edith had five children. He remained in the USAF Reserve as a Lt. Col. until finally retiring on 19 Dec., 1969. During his stint with the 20th.FG he received the Air Medal and the Legion of Merit.


Photograph and most of this information courtesy of Bonnie Wemyss Lechman.

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999-2000. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.