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Here we have what appears to be an insignificant, grainy little photograph taken by Maj. George Wemyss in May of 1944, but a closer look shows it to really contain a wealth of information.

This is the entire roster of the 20th.Fighter Group, and with much magnification almost every name can clearly be made out. I am currently trying to decipher the other information ( victories, etc.)shown. My thanks go out to Bonnie Lechman for this treasure!

Lt. Col. H.J. Rau
Lt. Col. H.E. Johnson
Maj. G.S. Wemyss
Lt. V.R. Stockton
Lt. H.F. Ezell


Lt. Col. C. Wilson
Maj. M.L. Low
Capt. J.C. Serros
Capt. R.T. Stovall
Capt. W. B. Taylor
Capt. M.R. McLary
Capt. R.M.Scrutchfield
Lt. E.W. Hower
Lt. P.A. Boele
Lt. H.B. Baker
Lt. M.C. Pannell
Lt. E.G. Malchow
Lt. W.W. Wells
Lt. D.E. Cruickshank
Lt. R.F. Watson
Lt. A.W. Rowley
Lt. J.A. Pierson
Lt. W.E. Martin
Lt. J.E. Klink
Lt. J.S. Ford
Lt. R.H. Riemensnider
Lt. J.N. Buie
Lt. J.F. Dyer
Lt. K.C. Smeltz
Lt. S.P. Spencer
Lt. C.A. Hallberg
Lt. R.E. Miles
Lt. R.O. Loewnert
Lt. H.M. Anderson
Lt. J.E. Surford
Lt. H.B. Bynum
Lt. G.F. Bain
Lt. A.C. Kelly
Lt. O.L. Larrebee
Lt. E.E. Wasil
Lt. J.H. Tennant
Lt. E.W. Cavell

Maj. R.F. Gustke � � � � Maj. P.A. Loebringer
Capt. D.A. Reihmer
Capt. J.M. Morris
Capt. M.J. Gilbertson
Capt. T.W. Williams
Capt. W.K. Cook
Lt. L.W. Adams
Lt. R.C. Garrett
Lt. E.C. Fiebelkorn
Lt. E.J. Fleming
Lt. C.G. Horne
Lt. I.C. Baker
Lt. A.L. Gese
Lt. A.F. Clark
Lt. J.E. Davis
Lt. C.C. Arthud
Lt. B.N. Rader
Lt. J.W. Reid
Lt. W.F. Kuemmerle
Lt. W.L. Whiteside
Lt. R.G. Quinn
Lt. A.C. Payne
Lt. I.W. Fernades
Lt. W.E. Moncrieff
Lt. R.M. Harriston
Lt. C.W. Clough
Lt. J.W. Fass
Lt. D.V. Kendricks
Lt. F. Crubin
Lt. C.R. Brucks
Lt. H.A. Gjolme
Lt. H.H. Jacobson
Lt. F.H. Alexander
Lt. P.J. McCully
Lt. W.F. Perra
Lt. J.C. MacArthur
Maj. D.E. Anderson � � � � Capt. W.W. Smith
Capt. J.M. Ilfrey
Capt. M.B. Nichols
Capt. R.P. Gatterdamn
Capt. R.J. Meyer
Capt. J.O. Yaryan
Lt. R.P. Stultz
Lt. W.H. Lewis
Lt. S.M. Webb
Lt. K.H. Stebens
Lt. J.H. Baldwin
Lt. W. Gall
Lt. F.H. Roark
Lt. V.M. Beasley
Lt. M.P. Bench
Lt. J.D. Bradshaw
Lt. H. Mednick
Lt. R.W. Bebout
Lt. T.E. Pardue
Lt. A.R. Kemp
Lt. A.S. Learned
Lt. G.W. Merrimen
Lt. A.W. Heiden
Lt. R.E. Rye
Lt. R.H. Black
Lt. D.E. Crites
Lt. D. Klatt
Lt. W.A. Cameron
Lt. J.L. Armstrong
Lt. W.W. Williams
Lt. R.E. Huarte
Lt. Z.M. Wyman
Lt. S.G. Saltzman
Lt. N.J. Watson
Lt. E.O. Smith
Lt. J.E. Carpenter
Lt. H.O. Binkley


Photograph courtesy of Mrs. Bonnie Lechman.

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.