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Savannah Marriott Riverfront, Savannah, GA, October 24-27th.

Syd Edwards and a Ju-52 � � �Welcome to our online journal of our trip and the reunion. The first installment will be on the day we leave. Nancy and I are planning on departing Saturday, October 23rd. arriving in Savannah on Sunday, the 24th. and returning home on Wednesday, the 27th. We are loking forward to meeting the people of the Association and to attending the dedication and unveiling of the 20th. Fighter Group display at the Mighty Eighth Air Force Heritage Museum. Expect a lot of coverage on that part of our journey; I am hoping to have a sort of virtual tour of the display setup within a week of our return home.

� � After scanning through the hotel's website I have learned that there are data links in each room, so thus I will be making daily updates during our stay. While we are there I will be using Alta Vista, a new free web service I have heard some great things about. I now have a digital camera, so I can upload images within just a few minutes. Those of you attending who wish to have anything included on the sites, please see me in person, or feel free to set this up ahead of time by e-mailing me at [email protected]; I won't be hard to miss, I'll be the only one there with a computer, mini-tape recorder, cameras and overburdened girlfriend in tow!

I am also setting things up so that those attending will be able to send virtual postcards to their family and friends who can't attend, this is courtesy of a new service at airplanecards.com.

Our gratitude goes out to everyone who is making this special trip available to us and to Bill Holcomb, who is helping make this journal available through the loan of his lap top computer!


(Map courtesy of Map Quest, Car may not accurately portray the vehicle we will be driving. Vehicle's moniker is a reflection of Syd's attitude only before 10a.m. or before his morning coffee!)

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.