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Savannah Marriott Riverfront, Savannah, GA, October 24-27th.


Well, not all plans for this trip came to fruition, first of all the lap top I borrowed won't allow me to use my scanner, so that idea has been scrapped. Secondly, the rental agency wanted way too much for a deposit so we're taking our car instead. Everything else seems pretty much AOK, the laptop is working fine (I am currently on it,) and I have enough batteries to keep the digital camera going for weeks. Also picked up some blank tapes for the mini-recorder, so expect some new sound bites as soon as I get home!

I'd like to send a special "hello" to Capt. Art Heiden (shown at left.) I wish you could be here with us, Ace! For those of you who don't know, Capt. Heiden is one of the main reasons these sites have grown so much since their inception back in May of 1998. He is always forthcoming with any information needed and has loaned me more books and photographs than I could ever recount. I am honored to call him my friend.

Anyway, I have gone ahead and made a few entries ahead of time, just to whet your appetites. Hope you enjoy the coverage! If you want to send a mesage to anyone at the reunion through me, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].

We are planning on leaving around 11 am and will stop somewhere along the line to spend the night. That way we can be all fresh and ready to meet everybody on Sunday morning. Since I am not sure exactly where we will be staying I can't assure you that there will be an update until Sunday, but fear not, I will keep you updated once I get to Savannah!

Two views of a supposed piece of a vintage P-38 that recently was auctioned off on E-Bay, note that the serial number began with 42-674... and the model was a P-38J-10LO (Sound familiar Capt. Heiden?)


Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.