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Savannah Marriott Riverfront, Savannah, GA, October 24-27th.


Max Pyles' son Keith on the balcony with Gale Turner

� � � While Nancy made the rounds of historic Savannah I slept in till noon. After a quick shower I made my way down to the hospitality suite and there was Jack Ilfrey signing copies of his book. I made my way out to the balcony and sat down with Harley Brown, Bob Phipps, Keith Pyles (Max's son, who served with the 20th. during the 80's,) and Gale Turner. Harley, as usual was full of stories and I actually managed to get some of it on tape, so there should be some new stuff on his page in the near future.

Harley Brown and Bob Phipps on the balcony
of the Hospitality Suite.

� � � I returned back into the suite just in time to sit across the table from Ken Ashbaugh, Max Pyles and Gale Turner as they talked shop. This could very well have been one of the best talks I have ever witnessed throughout this whole trip. Luckily all of these men have promised to be in touch with me so that this site may benefit from their experiences as well.

Ken Ashbaugh, Max Pyles and Gale Turner in the hospitality suite.

� � � The reaction to the website has been great, which honors me to no end. I wish I had more time to recount all of the stories I have heard these past few days! I have lost count how many people have asked me for the URL of the site, and many were going to give the information to their sons and daughters so they could see what it was they did during the war.

� � � Nancy made it back from her jaunt around 3:30, so we decided to go get a quick bite to eat at the TGIFridays that is located off the hotel lobby. Great food there, so if any of you ever make it down this way be sure and stop!

� � � The banquet and dance started at 7pm. After a mad dash to get ready we arrived and sat at a table with Joseph Gall and his wife and Arlon Payne. Dinner was excellent, and this was followed by a short speech by 20th.FG Assoc. President Chris Pannell where several copies of "King's Cliffe" were donated to the 20th.FW. Two of the pilots from the current decendants of the Loco Busters had been in attendance through this entire reunion, helping to bridge the generations. These men presented the Association a beautiful print of an F-16 in 20th.FTW colors that was signed by many of the current pilots. This was followed by a slide show and a short movie concerning the activities of the Wing.

20th. Fighter Group Association President Capt. Chris Pannell
with the print presented to the organiztion by the 20th.FTW.

� � � The music began and I grabbed my last chance to rub elbows with these great men. I wound up sitting with Chet Hallberg and Chris Pannell as they recounted some of their experiences with both the P-38 and the P-51. Chet also told me the story of his first mission in a J-model P-38 where he drove an Me-109 into the ground. Simply amazing stuff here, I hope I can convince him to recount it all to me again when I have a recorder handy!

� � � Things began to wrap up around 11pm, so we said goodnight and headed back towards our rooms. One thing was a tad heavier as I left the room than it was when I arrived, my copy of "King's Cliffe." In additon to the autograph of Art Heiden and the dedication by Dr.Bob Bradshaw it is now signed by nearly every man who attended, and one great woman, Hazel La Munyon, the sister of John Hudgens. Thing is, now I will have to get me another as this one is too priceless to put through the rigors of daily use anymore!

Sneaking another cigarette in with Jack Ilfrey, at the banquet.

� � � Tomorrow morning is the farewell breakfast and though it means climbing out of bed at an early hour, we wouldn't miss one last chance to talk with these people for anything! I will update you on this once I get home. We will be leaving as soon as the breakfast is over.

� � � I hope you have enjoyed this little journal, I will expound upon all of this once I get back and don't have to hurry because of so much going on. See you tomorrow!

--Syd & Nancy

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Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.