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Capt. Chris Pannell, 55th.FS and his P-51 "Jeannie".
Capt. Pannell is the current President of the 20th. FG Association.

Capt. Lindol Graham, 79th.FS ace and his crew,
(l to r) Savoil, Ziegler, Morriss and Englehart

Capt. Jack Ilfrey's ground crew, (l to r)
Andrew Vonasek, D.S. Miller, Ralph Englehart

Russell Bebout and his crew (l to r) Sgt. G. Lucky, Cpl. E. Everhart and T/Sgt. J. Lane
pose in front of "Betsy VI",
a P-38J made up to look like a "droopsnoot" and with nicknames for each engine.
The right engine is "Pride O' Picadilly" and the left "Pride of Pershing Square".


(Photographs courtesy of Capt. Arthur Heiden, Paolo Zanzi and Capt. Chris Pannell)

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.