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V-MAIL -- 07 FEBRUARY, 1944

V-Mail was written on special forms, then photographed and miniaturized on microfilm for easier shipment to and from the front. It was then developed and distributed. They were aprox. 5 x 3 1/2" and came in small envelopes with windows for the address on the actual letter to show through.

This is the text of a v-mail letter home from then 2nd.Lt. James D. Bradshaw, 79th. FS,20th.FG, just a little over two months after he began flying with the squadron. Four days later, on Feb. 11th. the 79th.FS lost over half the squadron in combat. As stated elsewhere in this site, Bradshaw went on to become on of the first men of the 20th.FG to complete 300 hours in combat.

V-Mail from Lt. Bradshaw
Copy of the v-mail from Lt. Bradshaw

Dear Folks:
� � I haven't written in several days now but have been quite busy as we have had five missions in the past five days. We were sure glad to get today off and get a little rest. I received the package of post cards you sent. I also received a letter post marked Nov.17th., but lately the mail has been quite fast as I had two letters which took only 10 days. A couple of our missions last week were quite rough. Tell you all about them when I get home. Don't know if I told you or not, but a Capt. in our sqdn. got 3 F.W. 190s the other day and that is really doing OK. Hope this finds everyone at home fine. I had a letter from Frank Younger and intend to visit him when I get a chance. Tell everyone I said hello.
Write soon.� � � � � Love, Jimmy


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