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Cpl. Walker, Sgt. "Pop" Roy, Lt.Col. Robert Meyer and Sgt. Keli. Meyer was the CO of the 79thFS for the last four months of the war.

Col. Harold Rau with his crew and Gentle Annie. The dog was his pet "Honey".

Capt. McLary (far right) with his crew, William Head, James Carpenter and Clement Turchin. McLary was the CO of the 77th. FS from 4 August to 11 Sept, 1944.

Fireworks from the control tower at King's Cliffe in celebration of VE Day, 7 May, 1945.

Maj. Paul A. Lobingier, 20thFG Operations Officer.

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l.) Capt. James Bradshaw and r.) Capt. Art Heiden, both of the 79th.FS


(Photographs courtesy of The Hudgens Collection via Hazel La Munyon and Jack Ilfrey, The Art of Syd Edwards)

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999-2000. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.