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Capt. James Bradshaw and his crew in front of "Jeanie".

Capt. Art Heiden in full flight gear. When asked about this photo he said:
"I have no idea what that thing is I'm carrying, unless its the Dingy with the thin pad you sat on -- which never did any thing for your tail after an hour or so. Your tail was permently imprinted with the CO2 Bottle.
Note the electrical cord for the Spats and Gloves. Also note the RAF Goggles, which most really preferred,
as they had gray lenses which didn't distort colors, they were stripped off my head and lost in the Florida bailout. I still miss them."��

Hermann Goering's quote comes back to haunt him.

Sgt.John Hudgens, 79th.FS Operations


(Photographs courtesy of Hazel La Munyon via Jack Ilfrey)

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.