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79th. FS personnel, Spring, 1944.
Top Row (l to r): Steiner, Williams, Huarte, Crites, Wymon, Fogg, Yayan, Bebout, Roark, Lewis
Second Row (l to r): Stevens, Cameron, Baldwin, Gall, Bradshaw, Rye, Klatt, Kemp
Bottom Row (l to r): Gatterdam, Franklin, Anderson, Nichols, Meyer, Leferve.

Sgt. Ralph Englehart(top) and Capt. Art Heiden with David Tallichet's P-38, May, 1975

A group of 79th.FS pilots gather around "Full Boost".Capt. Jack Ilfrey is on the plane's wing,
Lt. Art Heiden is at far left, Lt. Jim Bradshaw is fourth from left.

Gen. Anderson presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to:
Lt. Russell Bebout (79th.FS,) Lt. Arthur Heiden (79th.FS,) is second from left and Lt.Ernest Fiebelkorn (77th.FS,) is on Bebout's left. Lt. Simonson is assisting the General. 1 May, 1944


(Photographs courtesy of Capt. Arthur Heiden)

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.