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Capt. Merle Gilbertson's "Smoky" P-51D serial # 44-13637, 77th. FS
This aircraft had a silver tipped spinner.

Lt. Kenneth Schons'"The Virgin" P-51D serial# 44-11219, 79th.FS

Richard Gatterdam/s P-38J "Puddin III" serial #42-68140
l to r: His Ground Crew, T/Sgt. "Little Joe" Taylor, Capl. Russell, Cpl. Coover
This aircraft was lost 30 Apr.,1944 while being piloted by 1st. Lt. Albert Fogg.

Lt. Ival E. Butler, 77th.FS (KIA)

Early photo of the 79th. Ftr. Sqdn.
top, (l to r) unknown, Zellman, Lefevre, Snow, unknown, unknown, unknown, Bench
middle, (l to r) unknown, Pardoe, unknown, Nichols, Mednick, Minton
bottom, (l to r) McGregor, unknown, unknown, unknown, Bradshaw


(Photographs courtesy of Capt. Arthur Heiden)

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.