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Col. Cy Wilson's P-38, which took a cannon hit in the winshield during a strafing run.
Chet Hallberg recounted that, even though Wilson was showered
with pulverized plexiglass he refused to turn back for base until he
got the last remaining truck in the convoy they were strafing. He brought the plane home safely
but, upon landing his eyes looked like "two red, cherry tomatoes."
The aircraft was later ditched on 16 July, 1944 by Lt. Klink.

The Scourge of the Luftwaffe
Pilots of the 77th. Fighter Squadron
(l-r) John "Squeakie" Mac Arthur, Rex "Sexy Rexy" Moncrief, Unknown, Alvin Fred "Clarkie" Clark, Merle "Jackie" Gilbertson, Eugene "Little Brain" Fleming,Jack "Stud" Davis, Unknown.

Memorial created by French civilians for Maj. Donald H. Mc Auley, C.O., 55th.FS/20th.FG
He was KIA 23 April, 1944 near Chateau Dun, France. Memorial was erected at the site of his crash, McAuley was buried at Epinal B-21-8.

A P-38 shown on a postcard from Williams A.A.F.A.F.S., Chandler, Ariz., where Capt. Art Heiden graduated with the class of 43-H.

Capt. James Bradshaw
Capt. James Bradshaw, 79th.FS

(Top photographs courtesy of Jack Ilfrey, MacAuley & Bradshaw photographs and P-38 card courtesy of Art Heiden)


Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.