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Capt. Donald A. "Don" Reihmer
(C.O., 77th.FS)

A native of Elmhurst, Illinois, Donald Reihmer was assigned to the 79th.FS/20th.FG on 5 August, 1943, but was transfered to the 77th.FS as their Squadron Operations Officer on 7 February, 1944. He became acting Squadron C.O. on 18 June, 1944, a position he maintained until he was forced to bail out of his plane over the Baltic Sea, after being hit by light flak on a strafing run on 4 August, 1944. He evaded via Sweden and was returned to the Zone of Interior on 13 Sept., 1944.

In his time with the 20th. Reihmer claimed 1/2 Me-109 (air,) 1 Ju-88 (ground,) and 2 Me-109s(air,) and 1 He-111 (ground.) He was awarded the Air Medal with three clusters, purple heart and 1 cluster and the Dinstinguished Flying Cross with 1 cluster. He resides today in Pennsylvania.


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