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(Total Number of Victories:5)

� � � Hailing from Grand Junction, Colorado, Maj. Jack C. Price was assigned to the 84th FS of the 78th FG on the 10 May, 1942 while they were still stateside and shipped out with them as Flight Commander of C Flight.

The 78th arrived in Scotland on the 29 Nov, 1942 and Price scored his first victories on the 30 July, 1943 while escorting B-17s on their way to Kassel, Germany. He fired at a Fw-190 which exploded and he and his wingman then each latched on to a Me-109, both shooting down their respective foes.

On the 28 Sept, 1943 he was promoted to CO of the 84th.and he scored his next victories on 26 Nov, 1943, while escorting B-17s to Montdidier near Paris. Here about 30 German fighters went into attacks on the bomber's front and rear ranks. The 78th fighters quickly positioned themselves to meet the attack. Major Jack Price started firing at an Fw-190 from 550 yards to prevent it from making a head-on pass at the bombers. He got good strikes all over the German and closed to one hundred before he had to break off to avoid running into the bombers. The enemy aircraft stalled and went down trailing smoke. Next Price caught a climbing Me-109, came in astern and exploded it in flames.

Following on from this it was noted that he was posted to the 84th FS from 10 May, 42 to 25 Feb, 44 during which he clocked up 104 Missions and 290 combat hours. He returned to the ZOI from the 25 Feb, 44 to 14 Oct, 44 from which he was posted to the 20th FG for a second tour.

Jack Price in his P-47 while with the 78th. Fighter Group.

He was assigned to the 55th.FS on 21 February, 1945 and in March became their Squadron Commander. In April of 1945 he was promoted to Deputy Group Commander of the 20th. He flew a total of 281 hours, 15 minutes in combat with the 20th.FG and received the Distinguished Flying Cross with two clusters, the Air Medal with six clusters and the Cruix de Guerre Avec Etoile de Vermeil. Morris piloted P-51D Serial #44-14693, Squadron Code LC-G, named "The Feather Merchant."


(Price photograph courtesy of the John Hudgens Collection, via Hazel La Munyon and Jack Ilfrey
P-47 photograph and much of this information courtesy of Duncan Comrie)

Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.