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(55th. FS/20th.FG)

� � � Wichita Falls, Texas native Philip Pearson, Jr. was assigned to the 79th.FS, 20th.FG on 12 February, 1944 and was alter reassigned to the 55th.FS. He flew a total of 48 hours, 35 minutes in combat before he was shot down 1 May 1944, after strafing the aerodrome at Liege. He received anti-aircraft from ground emplacements and his P-38 crashed and burned. According to the missing air crew report he was buried at a cemetery there, but when the British came and retrieved their dead they did not replace or record the exact locations of many American's remains.(See also Denis Alison) Philip's remains are 'lost' but his name is recorded on the air or missing flyers monument in a cemetery in Belgium.

� � � John Philip Adams, Pearson's cousin, stated, "My mother said he was a really nice guy. He asked her to name her next boy for him. I don't believe he thought he was going to come home. Still got in the plane and flew. Courage takes on many colors, doesn't it?"

� � � "As our assignment dates to the 79th.FS/20thFG coincide, I would assume that we were in the same Flying School Class of '43-H, and had graduated from William's Field (Chandler,Ariz.) in Aug '43. It has been a long while and memories fade, however, I do remember Phillip as a friend and I do have memories of a special relationship. These were kidding around and of volley ball games we participated in for exercise. Goofing around, I remember he and I had a thing going about naming our airplanes. We settled on "The Lonesome Polecat" and "The Shiftless Skunk," but in fun we could never agree which name we would use. We would spend a whole day arguing about about one of the names. One day he would want one or the other, so I would want that one too. Next day we would reverse the argument and claim. On and On, so it was never settled.

� � � "April and May '44, took a heavy toll on the fighter units, strafing ground targets and airfields. On 23 April the 55thFS lost their CO Maj. McAuley and Lt. Ahern. Col. Wilson, who had been flying with the 79th, getting combat experience with the 79th.FS was sent over to the 55th.FS to replace McAuley. He took several pilots with him, one was Phillip."

--Capt. Arthur Heiden, 79th.FS/20th.FG

� � � "According to "King's Cliffe," the unit history, the Mission Profile section show Phillip being lost on 1 May on a very vicious strafing mission. The Profile shows Phillip as a Spare that day. White Flight, lead by Col Wilson was white flight and had had #4 abort. This position may have been filled by Phillip."

� � � "According to the mission report in King's Cliffe I also was on the mission on which Pearson was killed. Pearson was listed as a spare so he must have taken Hower's place (early return) in Cy Wilson's flight.. "Dutch" Shultz was also in that flight and he was also killed. According to the mission report they were making a strafing run on an airfield south of Liege."

--Capt. Chris Pannell, 55th.FS/20th.FG

� � � The entry in King's Cliffe for the mission of 1 May, 1944 reads in part:

� � � "...3 ships of white flight, 55th.FS, made a pass at an airdrome south of Liege. Extremely intense flak was encountered and shortly afterward Lt. Phillip Pearson was seen to crash just north of the field. Lt. Shultz who has failed to return, was last seen about 1000 feet over the same field." Note: Another man named Pierson was wingman to Chris Pannell. Note spelling of name. (John Pierson)."

� � � � � � In his short career with the 20th. Fighter Group Pearson was awarded the Air Medal and 1 cluster.


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