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(C.O. 55th. FS/20th.FG)

Hailing from San Francisco, California, Richard Gatterdam was assigned to the 79th. Fighter Squadron in October of 1942. By 24 January, 1943 he became a Flight Commander and he continued in this role until completing his first full combat tour. He then returned to the States on combat leave on 19 August, 1944.

On 6 December, 1944 he returned to the 20th. Fighter Group as the Commanding Officer of the 55th. Fighter Squadron and just a few days later, on 18 December was promoted to Major. He continued as the C.O. until he completed his second combat tour on 23 March, 1945. On 10 June, 1945 he returned to the Zone of Interior.

Through two combat tours with the 20thFG, Gatterdam flew a total of 430 hours, 10 minutes in combat (202:00 on the first and 228:10 on the second.) He downed two Fw-190s, an Me-109, shared a victory over a Me-210 and another 1/5th. over an He-177 in the air, claimed another Fw-190 as a probable and destroyed two1/2 He-115's on the water. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, The Air Medal with 12 clusters and the Distinguished Flying Cross with 1 cluster.


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