<BGSOUND SRC= "deutschlanduberalles.mid" LOOP="-1">
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21 April 1987
Hauptmann Jack Ilfrey
Somewhere In Texas

My Dear Captain Ilfrey.

You son of a b***h! You and that God-d****d Eddie Rickenbaker Give me a pain in the a**!
How dare you shoot down my brand new Messerschmidts with that forked-tail airplane you fly. You are a devil.

We offered you grossen gelt to stay out of our skies and confine yourself to chasing those stupid Italians in their god-d****d Macchis! But you refused. You won't even take a bribe. What the h**l kind of banker will you make?

If those Portugese dumkoffs knew what they were doing you'd be up to your a** in a bait tank mit all of dem sardines.

Also, Hauptmann, I don't like being reffered to as "Adolph Garbonzo". My name is Galland G-A-L-L-A-N-D! One time we had a bomb with your name on it but one of our schweindhund Italian bomb-handlers blew the god-d****d thing up on the ramp along with eleven Messerschmidts! Nothing works right when you are involved.

I don't know how you slipped through our fingers when we shot your a** down in France. I heard you put on your best suit and were mistaken for a peasant - - - you sneaky Texas snake.
In spite of all the trouble you have made for me and all the bulls**t I've taken from Herr Georing because of you, I forgive you. I am sending Baron Von Heinz two medals to present to you: The famous "Blue Max" and the "Knight's Cross With Swords and Oak Leaves."

Incidentally, I have re-named my 109 "Happy Adolph's Go Buggy".

Auf weidershen,

Adolf Galland

From a roast given for Col. Ilfrey in 1987. Courtesy of Col. Ilfrey.


"The best approach to a battle... is surprise, make your attack and disappear and start a new attack. Don't get engaged and make it a dogfight" --Lt. General Adolph Galland

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