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Syd Edwards and a Ju-52
Syd Edwards, the webmaster, with the CAF's Casa 352 (JU-52), July, 1998

Syd Edwards at the 100th. Bomber Group Restaurant, Cleveland, Ohio
Syd Edwards at the 100th. Bomber Group Restaurant, Cleveland, OH, Sept., 1997.
� � These sites are in no way associated with the 20th. Fighter Group Association or the 1st. Fighter Group Association and no such endorsement is implied.

� � � Permission has been granted from Maj. Jack M. Ilfrey, the editor of King's Cliffe Remembered, the 20th. Fighter Group's official newsletter, to reprint any articles from that publication and where they have been reprinted it is so noted.

� � In addition Articles reprinted from either Maj. Ilfrey's autobiography, "Happy Jack's Go Buggy" or John Mullins' books "An Escort of P-38s" and "Hello Spacebar, This Is Springcap" are used with the permission of the authors and the source is also so noted on the appropriate pages.

� � The information on this site has been gathered from a number of sources, the published sources are listed on the Bibliography page. The personal accounts are attributed to the stated authors and their opinions do not necessarily represent those of the webmaster, the 1st. Fighter Group Association or the 20th. Fighter Group Association. The webmaster takes no responsibility for any incorrect information the authors have provided. If you wish to correct or refute any information, please feel free to e-mail the webmaster below. When doing so, please cite your sources, if applicable.

� � Throughout the site there are numerous mentions of the drinking of alcohol by pilots and crewmen. The webmaster, and many contributors to the site, would like it to be noted that it was a standard procedure for Medicinal Brandy and Medicinal Whiskey to be used by Flight Surgeons to calm pilot's nerves after missions. The creators, contributors and webmaster of this site would like it noted that the current drugs available for such purposes did not exist at the time. The mention of alcohol consumption does not constitute an endorsement of the drinking of alcohol by anyone associated with this site.

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� Contributions of articles, photographs, stories, first-person accounts, etc. are appreciated and can be made via e-mail below, or by regular mail. The address for this is:

Syd Edwards, P.O. Box 448 Pt. Pleasant, WV 25550-0448
(e-mail the webmaster if you wish to contact him by phone.)

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--SYD EDWARDS, Webmaster.




Unless otherwise noted, all content � copyright The Art of Syd Edwards 1998-1999. All rights reserved and reproduction is prohibited.