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On 20 May, 1943 the 44th. Station Complement Squadron was formed as per paragraph2, General Order 21, Headquarters, Selfridge Field, Michigan.

Late in July, 1943 the entire organization received an unexpected relief from their training when they were called to Detroit and spent four days there assisting in restoring order after the great race roit there.

By 9 August, 1943, under the command of Capt. Melvin Mawrence, the new squadron had gathered enough strenght to move under its own power and arrived at Camp Miles Standish, Mass. with 6 officers and 106 enlisted men. After a short train ride they were soon dispersed aboard the steamship Louis Pasteur and headed for new adventures accompanied by many rumors as to their final destination. The good ship arrived safely at Liverpool, England on 21 August and the following day they arrived via train at their new home of King's Cliffe.

The Complement Squadron com[posed of 10 officers and 93 enlisted men, was in a way the dignified housekeeper of the station. At first most of the squadron personnel were engaged in the operations of the following departments; Flying Control, Utilities, Motor Pool, and the Fire Department. As other units were assigned to the station they were relieved of the Fire Dept. although some of the men reamined on duty in that section and they gradually assumed amny other duties. Link Trainer operators, dispatchers, Switchboard operators, Motor Pool drivers, mechanics and cooks in the consilidated mess all working on a 24 hour schedule heavily taxed the the squadron's duty roster. Station Headquarters used several of the 44th.'s clerks and typists, the Technical Inspector and the Air Inspector each kept several men busy, even the RAf managed to acquire a man to act as a liason, and the Public Relations Office, Special Service, and the Officer's Mess laid claim to more good men.

The most important and outstanding of all duties performed by this organization, was that of Flying Control. This department required four officers and 27 enlisted men on a 24-hour schedule. Operation of the Control Tower, issuing clearances for flights, keeping navigational warning charts, supervision of aircraft taking off and landing, maintenance of the airdrome, radios, and the airfield lighting system, ground directional guidance, and the care and servicing of transient aircraft are a few of the many duties they performed daily. The group received many awards and commendations for their outstanding performances in their work.

On 15 April, 1945 the 44th. Station Complement Squadron passed out of existence and it's personnel were absorbed by various units of the 446th. Air Service Group.



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