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Fire fighters try to put out the smoldering remains of a crashed P-51

The 2041st. Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon was activated on 5 July, 1943, at Harding Field, Louisiana. The first six weeks after activation were devoted to basic training and this was followed by six weeks intensive training in fire fighting principles at the Fire Supression School, Camp Ponchartrain, Louisiana. Upon completion of the course in early October, the unit returned to Harding Field to make final preparations for overseas movement.

On 3 November, 1943 the unit left foe Camp Shanks, New York, the port of embarkation and on the 15th. sailed out of New York Harbor on the Queen Mary bound for England. Five days later the Queen mary dropped anchor at Greenock, Scotland and on the 22nd. the unit reached it's destination -- King's Cliffe.

One month after the 2041st. arrived, the 20th. Fighter Group began operations. Crash crews were on hand for each of the 312 missions and for all training flights. From the beginning of operations until V-E Day the Fire Fighters rendered aid at sixty-five aircraft accidents in and near King's Cliffe involving both U.S. and British aircraft of all types.

On 12 July, 1944 a P-38 went out of control on take-off and crashed into the bomb dump. The crash crews,for two hours,fought the flames in spite of exploding shells and succeeded in keeping the fire away from a huge stack of incendiary bombs located just a few feet from the burning aircraft. For their quick action and heroism Lt. William H. Barker, Jr. T/5 Clayton F. Miller, T/5 Peter W. Novack, Sgt. Lewis E. Smith, jr., and S/Sgt. Richard Terry of the Fire Fighters and Lt. Octavian R. Tuckerman of 1806 Ordnance, were awarded the Soldier's Medal.

In conjunction with crash work the Fire Fighting Platoon also worked with the British National Fire Service and on various occassions helped bring house fires, grass fires and automobile fires under control. The 2041st. many times has been complimented by the National Fire Service for its work.

On 15 April, 1945 the 2041st. Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon was disbanded. From 24 July, 1943 to this date the Platoon was commanded by Lt. William H. Barker, Jr., and its efficincy and outstanding record is due in a large measure to his leadership and ability.

(Reprinted from King's Cliffe)



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